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FreeRTOS Example


The FreeRTOS example is a more sophisticated application that runs on top of FreeRTOS, an open-source real-time operating system. The application uses the GPIO controller of RISC-V Steel to make 2 LEDs blink in a specific pattern with the help of FreeRTOS task scheduler.


To run this example you need an FPGA board with at least 2 LEDs and 32KB of Block RAM.

Additionally, you need to have the RISC-V GNU Toolchain installed on your machine to build the example. You can find instructions on how to install the RISC-V GNU Toolchain in the User Guide.

Building the example

Run the commands below to build the FreeRTOS example:

1. Clone RISC-V Steel repository
git clone
2. Build the software for the FreeRTOS example
cd riscv-steel/examples/freertos/software
make PREFIX=/opt/riscv CLOCK_FREQUENCY=<freq_in_hertz>

The PREFIX variable must specify the folder where the RISC-V GNU Toolchain is installed. You also need to set the CLOCK_FREQUENCY variable to match the clock frequency of the FPGA board where the application will run.

A successfull build ends with a message like this:

Successful build report
Memory init file:   build/freertos.hex
Binary executable:  build/freertos.elf
Disassembly:        build/freertos.objdump

Memory usage report (MEMORY_SIZE = 32K)
      text       data        bss      total filename
     14092        304       9196      23592 freertos.elf

The freertos.hex file generated by the build process will be used in the next step to initialize the memory of RISC-V Steel.

Implementing on an FPGA

Creating the FreeRTOS module

Using your preferred text editor, create a Verilog file name freertos.v and add the source code below. Make sure to modify freertos.v as follows:

  • Change the MEMORY_INIT_FILE parameter to the absolute path of the freertos.hex file you generated in the previous step.
  • Change the CLOCK_FREQUENCY parameter to the frequency (in Hertz) of the clock input.
module freertos #(

  parameter GPIO_WIDTH = 2


  input   wire clock,
  input   wire reset,
  output  wire [GPIO_WIDTH-1:0] gpio


  // Reset button debouncing
  reg reset_debounced;
  always @(posedge clock) begin
    reset_debounced <= reset;

  rvsteel #(

  // Please adjust these parameters accordingly
  .CLOCK_FREQUENCY          (50000000                   ),
  .MEMORY_SIZE              (32768                      ),
  .MEMORY_INIT_FILE         ("/path/to/freertos.hex"    ),
  .GPIO_WIDTH               (GPIO_WIDTH                 )

  ) rvsteel_instance (

  .clock                    (clock                      ),
  .reset                    (reset_debounced            ),
  .gpio_output              (gpio                       ),

  // Unused inputs need to be hardwired to zero
  .halt                     (1'b0                       ),
  .uart_rx                  (1'b0                       ),
  .gpio_input               ({GPIO_WIDTH{1'b0}}         ),
  .poci                     (1'b0                       ),

  // Unused outputs can be left open
  .uart_tx                  (                           ),  
  .gpio_oe                  (                           ),
  .sclk                     (                           ),
  .pico                     (                           ),  
  .cs                       (                           ));


Synthesizing the FreeRTOS module

To implement the freertos.v module on your FPGA, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the EDA tool provided by your FPGA vendor (e.g., AMD Vivado, Intel Quartus, Lattice iCEcube).

  2. Include freertos.v to the project and all files in the hardware/ folder of RISC-V Steel repository.

  3. Create a design constraints file and map the ports of freertos.v to the corresponding devices on the FPGA board.

    • Map the gpio outputs to 2 LEDs
    • Map the reset input to a push-button or switch
    • Map the clock input to the clock source
  4. Run the synthesis process.

  5. Generate the bitstream and, once completed, program the FPGA with it.

The LEDs should start blinking once you've finished programming the FPGA!

We provide project files for some featured FPGA boards. If you have one of the boards listed below, please follow the specific steps for your board:

Arty A7

  • Build the FreeRTOS application as instructed in Building the example

    Use CLOCK_FREQUENCY=50000000.

  • On AMD Vivado, click Tools / Run Tcl Script

    Select examples/freertos/boards/arty_a7/create_project_arty_a7_<variant>.tcl, where <variant> is the variant of your board (either 35T or 100T).

  • Click Generate Bitstream and program the FPGA as usual

  • The LEDs should start blinking once you've finished programming the FPGA!

Cmod A7

  • Build the FreeRTOS application as instructed in Building the example

    Use CLOCK_FREQUENCY=12000000.

  • On AMD Vivado, click Tools / Run Tcl Script

    Select examples/freertos/boards/cmod_a7/create_project_cmod_a7.tcl.

  • Click Generate Bitstream and program the FPGA as usual

  • The LEDs should start blinking once you've finished programming the FPGA!